Cambridge University Hockey Club

Cambridge University Hockey Club

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Nomads Season Report 2023/24

14 April 2024
Nomads Season Report 2023/24

The highlight of our season was the varsity match against Oxford. As the last match of the day after five tough Cambridge losses the pressure was on to perform. Oxford 2’s came out strong but an early goal from Heather Magee put us up in the first half and from there the pressure ramped up and we were forced to play a heavily defensive game for the second half. Abigail Reeves and Katie Wakefield in particular kept the backlines calm allowing them to confidently keep Oxford from our circle. Ultimately, the Radicals couldn’t score an equalizer and the tense match ended with a much deserved 1-0 victory.

The Nomads also performed well in the East leagues and finished 4th in Div 1N with eleven wins, five loses and six draws. We faced difficulty at the start of the season with three losses before term began when numbers were low, and our five undergraduate freshers had yet to arrive but when we faced these same sides later in the season with a well-drilled team every match ended in a draw. By the end of the season, we’d achieved great cohesion on the pitch and comfortably won five of our last six matches and had an unlucky draw against Bury St Edmunds 2’s.

Similarly, we had a great BUCS season, finishing in 3rd place but eleven points ahead of the 4th and 5th teams and only three points behind both 1st and 2nd place, which was a fantastic effort especially with our three medics rarely available for our away fixtures. Our final match of the season gave us the possibility of promotion but unfortunately Nottingham 5’s narrowly beat us 2-1.

Overall, the Nomads have had a great season and are extremely grateful to our coaches George Phillips and Oliver Gedney who have put in endless effort and time on top of their own Blues commitments.

Zara Wedgwood

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